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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I need to find a better way to get attention.

If you're still here for a spine story... that one ended with a healthy, happy spine (but sadness for the loss of the brilliant surgeon who made it happen).
New story:  I don't know whether to change the title of my blog, or start another one altogether.  What started out as an autobiography of my successful spine journey has morphed into book two of an arthritic horror story.  I hope it never ends up a trilogy.  Hot off the press: Healthy Shoulder 2012! 

I had an MRI today on my right shoulder. My "over did it" pain never subsided from January, and actually brought me to my knees this weekend while doing yard work.  I absent-mindedly tried to start the string trimmer, and with one searing-pain pull of the cord realized I had a more serious problem on my hands than just tendonitis.  With some preferential treatment from a fellow employee this morning, I had the MRI report in my hands an hour later.  Not good....
1.  Osteoarthritis of the acromioclavicular joint - Can we just stop there? That's not a shocker.
2.  Degenerative marrow changes in the humeral head with subchondral pseudocysts (granulation tissue from deep cartilage injury). Had to look up that one - that's never a good sign.
3.  Partial tear of the tendons of the supraspinatous and infraspinatous (2 of the rotator cuff muscles). And there's still more?
4.  SLAP tear near the attachment of the long head of the biceps tendon (Superior Labral tear from Anterior to Posterior).  The labrum is the rim of the glenoid fossa where the humeral head sits, made of a fibrous-cartilage material.  Is that all?
5.  Oh, and a thin band of fluid in the subdeltoid bursa.  Simply put, my shoulder is pissed!

Off to another round of orthopaedic interventions, stateside this time...

I am REALLY hoping this can be fixed with therapy.  I am taking one of my therapists with me to the ortho visit to find out if there is any hope for some healing without the knife.  My family doctor laughed at me and said to let him know how that goes - that's not a great sign.
So much for summer....BOOOOO

More to come on Healthy Shoulder 2012...

1 comment:

  1. OK, we can do this...get back on that horse (proverbially speaking, please.) You are now a pro at this and can hammer out the plan (with your left arm, please) in no time. What's a few more pins and screws, anyway? That doesn't mean your initial plan of healing with therapy won't work...I'm just saying you're tough and can handle whatever it takes. Is that enough of a pep talk? xo
