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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

4 weeks and going strong

4 weeks ago today I was under the knife.  I'm so pleased with my progress!
I re-started pool therapy today with my own gang, and 5 hours later - I seem to be tolerating it well.  Water is 700 times the resistance of air, so no wonder I felt its effects so strongly the first few sessions.  I think I'm ready this time.
When I went to sleep last night, I no longer had any leg cramping or discomfort.  I thought, "Wow, I feel totally normal right now.  I don't have a single pain."  As recovery goes, that sentiment was short-lived and I woke up about 3 hours later with some deep bone aching in my pelvis/hips.  Not too worry though, this is to be expected.  I am not supposed to be concerned with any recovery pain for this first 12 weeks.  1/3rd of the way there!


  1. Way to go! Even at 12 weeks out, I still get some little blips every now and then, so sounds like you are still on track.

  2. Thanks Tim. I keep watching your progress too, and it's encouraging!

  3. You looked great today! I am very happy for you.

  4. So encouraging! For what it's worth...after my foot surgery I found it interesting how it took me awhile to get used to NOT having pain. I'd have the similar healing pains you mentioned, but not the foot pain I had grown accustomed to and accommodated for so many years. Interesting to learn to move again in a normal fashion! What you wrote today reminded me of that awareness. xo

  5. Keep up the good work! As you already know, it's all ups and downs in recovery. :)
